The shed at Yelverton was thought to be the only one of which anything remained. It was photographed in 2012 with the kind permission of Lady Kitson, who also allowed the scout to measure it and take some parts.
In contemporary photographs of the Princetown platform at Yelverton, a neat laurel hedge can be seen beside the track. Being a coloniser, the untended laurel has suppressed almost all else, enabling many little finds, including footplate equipment and the prostrate concrete starting signal post. The most remarkable discovery was a 24V carriage light bulb which had the G.W.R. roundel marked very faintly on the opal globe. It must have lain where it was since a man changed one and tossed the dud out through a window. The find was given to the Great Western Society.
And here is the Yelverton shed re-erected at Christow. Actually, the shed at Yelverton had three roads, whereas this one has two roads and a store. It is not known whether the Princetown trolley was shedded at Yelverton.
The repair of the Yelverton shed is covered fully under “Production.”