When does heavy mist become rain? For a short while on the trading estate at Sowton, it looked like brightening up but by the time the scout left the N.F.U. offices (where it’s still possible to speak face to face with an insuranceman) it was drizzling again.
He rode along the canal and estuary, past the Turf Hotel, now boarded up for the winter. There was hardly a soul about. At Starcross, he could see from the indicator that a stopper was due and being wet through he joined it for the short ride to Dawlish.

A BAM man he spoke to assured him that the foundations for the new wall were in but that the sea kept covering them with sand. He thought work would be complete by the end of February.
It should be understood that the wall will be made of precast segments, meaning that progress should be very swift once a start is made on positioning them. +
If anyone is unsure about the height of the new wall, a useful mock-up has been done by Dawlish Beach Cams.
A great many people can’t interpret drawings so it is thought that the finished wall is going to be quite shocking to Dawlish folk and to the many visitors who love King’s Walk. It can only strengthen the resolve of the campaign groups presently mobilizing in Holcombe and Teignmouth, concerned at what is proposed for their length of the wall.
As champions of diversionary routes, staff at Christow has to say that slightly better resilience – or no better, if conditions worsen – is being bought at too high a price.
Note: This was one of many visits made to the area during the course of the major works. Full coverage may be found in the “Campaigning” section.